Works and Portfolio of Thomas Sanchez Lengeling
Works and Portfolio of Thomas Sanchez Lengeling
Generative visual for the multicannal rock group NAFF Chusma. Developed the real-time graphics using the C++ Cinder library. NAFF Chusma...
Video introduction for the TEDx Martha’s Vineyard Conferences in 2015. The Intro video was developed using a custom software made...
Mico Rex is an experimental electro-pop Mexican duo founded in 2010 by Ernesto Romero and Jorge Ramírez, pioneers in live...
Render in real time with no pos-edition, the generative visual were developed using processing Explanation of the code can be...
Rorschach in the Live Performance Meeting, Rome, Italy 2013. Audio: Eduardo H Obieta and Abduct (MX) Video: Thomas Sanchez Lengeling...
Experiments using openGL and GLSL in Processing 1.5.1. The Displacement Map allows you to push or to pull the vertex...
Live generative visuals for the electroacoustic Collective Rorschach_3.0. Rorschach_3.0 – distorsión from thomas sanchez lengeling on Vimeo. The music was...